Friday, 27 July 2012

So....the Olympics

If you haven't been living under a rock for the last 4 years, you will know that today the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics is taking place in my home-country, Great Britain. There's been an incredible amount of hype and cheesy lines about 'our Olympic Legacy',  but for most of the UK residents the whole olympic thing is getting old. The TV coverage I've been watching leading up to the ceremony has involved several interviews talking about showing off to the world 'what Great Britain can really do' but I'm not sure if the message we put out will be entirely good.

One of the things I am talking about it this: the embarrassing flag mixup at the women's football match. I'm not sure if you'll have heard of this abroad, but in britain its become the first of many laughing points to come in our olympics. What happened was, while the North Korean woman's footballers ran onto the pitch, the South Korean flag was displayed. Now, the two mations may share a boarder, but they couldn't be any more different. The North Koreans were outraged, and stormed off,  delaying the play and embarrassing the whole nation on one of the first events of the 2012 Olympics.

So, the Opening Ceremony is next and it'd better not disappoint! It's been planned to pinpoint accuracy and anticipated eagerly, but will it all go well, or will it be an embarrassing failure like the flag mixup? Are you going to be watching? I certainly am!

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