Friday, 13 April 2012

The Hunger Games Film Review

I love the Hunger Games books, and I definitely recommend reading them if you haven't already! 
Visit this awesome Facebook page for some cool Hunger Games related Memes!
Yesterday I went into town and saw the film. I think that if I hadn't read the books beforehand I would have loved the movie, because then I wouldn't be so annoyed by the differences. Some major bad casting issues for a start, I mean President Snow is an evil plotting villain, but in the film he looked like a cuddly Santa. Then there was Peeta, who looked permanently surprised. He did some good acting later on in the film, but at the start he was just some surprised dude who was a bit too enthusiastic about the whole Hunger Games thing and then told the whole Capitol about how he was deeply in love with Katniss.... There were some other things I didn't like, for instance how the costumes for district 12 were obviously just a black top with some badly animated flames added in later. I mean, where was Katniss' lovely dress?
This is more like how I imagined her dress :)

All I saw was a black army style top and a weird Princess Leia hairdo. Another bit that I was unhappy with was the whole Rue thing.... In the book when Rue dies its really sad, but in the film it was just a bit like 'Oh, another one's dead...' I think that the reason for that was just because in the film Katniss didn't get so close to Rue and you didn't get behind her as much as the book made you. 

I don't know. After all that ranting I reckon that thins film is good as a film on it's own, but not as a book adapted into a film. If you've read the books then you should probably go and see the film anyway just so that you can rant about it later, but if you haven't read the books then I think you would really like the film.
Overall, I give it 3 Stars out of 5.

What did you think of the film? Leave a comment below :)


  1. I never read the book so maybe I'm not worthy enough to post about the film but I saw it and really enjoyed it. I'll for sure read the book, hoping a sequel comes out sooner than later

    1. There's a sequel coming out next year, called Catching Fire. I hope you enjoy the books!

  2. I loved the movie...I liked her opening ceremony costumes...they looked like they did in my head. I HATED her interview dress just didn't fit with how I imagined it. But overall, the movie was amazing, and I thought it stayed a lot like the book. I WISH IT WAS NOVEMBER 22 2013!!! Why did they have to wait so long for the sequel?

    1. hehe me too, I have a good feeling about the next film!

    2. Yeah. I bet it will be better than the first (or it should) because whoever is directing it gets the feedback about what people didn't like about the first one.
